"Hello I'm Eleanor "L" Chisolm and I would like to share my hair journey with you. It all began when I got terminated from my job. I was then taken on a life journey about myself, about who L is, the good, bad, and the ugly.
Through this journey I discovered some things about me internally that needed to change and saw how those things attached itself to me some were even self inflected. As God began to deal with me, my health came into play also.
I suffered from acne really bad, even went to the dermatologist a number of times but still no improvement. This journey had me to change my diet and go from relax hair to natural. Well due to my personality I Had to have some color for a pop because my natural hair color is really dark.
Once I made those changes and began to live from the inside out. My skin cleared up and I began getting in shape. Now I hardly wear any make up due to loving my skin now and my hair, doing what it do! I'm loving my big hair don't care with my natural curls. My healthy hair had always been my signature I've been told and since I have gone natural I can't go anywhere without being stopped. My hair I found has been the main attraction until I begin to tell my story of how I became natural and what it did for me.
I hear women shy away from their natural hair when I speak with them and I always get, "You have that good hair." I would ask the question, "What is good hair?" Then I explain that "Good hair" is the natural you, your hair you must embrace because it's all you. Beautifully and wonderfully made.
We as women, women of color must stand up and embrace our natural beauty, we must deal with our brokenness on the inside, and not allow society to define their perception of beauty for us.?