I have decided to try some vitamins that helps with hair growth. When I had locs before (which I loved), my hair grew fast, and I had hair down to my butt. But with longer locs, my hair was pretty heavy and when I would wear it up or in ponytails, it caused stress on my hairline. So my edges started to break off and a lot of my locs thinned out. Now that I have taking my locs out, I am hoping to get my hair back on track. My goal is to strengthen my hair line and hopefully grow some length. The Mane Choice seems like a good choice because they have healthy ingredients and has gotten good reviews online. I will start taking the pills tomorrow - October 10th, 2015. In the photo of me, you can see where my length is now. I will check back in two months to let you know what my progress is. Here is more information about
The Mane Choice Manetablolism Plus -
"Manetabolism Plus aids in a more comprehensive approach to growing healthy hair and keeping the body healthy at the same time. We've added extra ingredients to make Manetabolism more complete for the body as well as the hair....such as calcium, thiamine and magnesium just to name a few. Manetabolism Plus is a specially formulated vitamin that aids in promoting healthy hair, nails and skin by supplying nourishment to the body�s cells and by directly targeting hair follicles, nail beds and skin layers.In addition, it also boosts energy levels and helps to strengthen the immune system. Your hair is an indicator of your overall health. Our goal is to treat your hair from within. Manetabolism Plus brings out the healthy hair in you. Because a healthier inside shows from the outside!"